06/26/2024 | 08:00

MAxL in Martinsried: BioM opens new start-up incubator - 8.5 million euros for innovative start-up teams to strengthen biotechnology in Bavaria

BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH together with State Secretary Tobias Gotthardt has officially opened the start-up incubator "Munich Accelerator Life Sciences & Medicine" (MAxL) in Martinsried. MAxL supports innovative founders in the field of life sciences and medicine. Around 120 invited guests from politics, science, industry and the investment sector celebrated the opening.

Focused on the early phase of company foundation from science and research, MAxL sets new standards for the biotechnology sector in Bavaria with its tailor-made range of services on approximately 900 m2 in... [read more on the BioM website]

MAxL opening (YouTube Video)

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