
Lunch & Learn Seminar: Empowering Biologics Start-Ups with WuXi Biologics & MAxL by BioM

Join us for an exciting lunchtime event designed to inspire and empower biologics start-ups. Hosted by WuXi Biologics, WuXi XDC, and MAxL by  BioM, this gathering offers a unique opportunity to learn from leaders...[read more]

With MAxL, we create the perfect conditions for successful start-ups.

MAxL is BioM's unique co-creation start-up incubator for the medicine of the future and life sciences in Martinsried/Munich, Europe's hotspot for biotechnology.

Would you also like to become part of MAxL? Then get in touch with us!


MAxL offers all you need to develop your ideas into market-ready products.



Based on BioM's strong and long-standing expertise, MAxL supports selected pre-seed and early-stage start-up teams from Bavaria and beyond with an exclusive high-end infrastructure: shared fully equipped lab space, co-working and community rooms, a structured incubation and coaching program as well as numerous networking opportunities.

Go to MAxL's portfolio of services.


We also offer partnerships with pharma, big biotech, deeptech and other industry players as well as strategic partners, CROs and investors.

Become a sponsor.

MAxL is the home of innovative pre-seed and early-stage start-up teams from Bavaria that aim at transforming medicine with their products and services.





On June 25, 2024, we inaugurated our start-up incubator MAxL together with State Secretary Tobias Gotthardt!

Around 120 invited guests from politics, science, industry and the investment sector celebrated the opening - also present: our first two tenants Leopard Biosciences and RNATICS.

MAxL opening (YouTube Video)

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The project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy with 8.5 million euros from 2023 to 2027 and is managed by the BioM cluster management company.